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School Counselors

Counselors and Grade Levels  

Dr. Rawlings - 6th grade; 7th grade (last name A-L) - Ext. 43272

Mr. Kabara - 7th grade (last name M-Z); 8th grade - Ext. 43269


Guidance Information

While many traditional guidance activities already support the consultation role, the school Counselor also provides consultation by:

-Providing Bully Proof training for all staff and students
-Providing Career Education and Tutoring
-Teaching Character Education and Social Skills to students
-Assisting teacher with classroom "guidance meeting"
-Sharing guidance curriculum resources with classroom teachers
-Coordinating guidance lessons with teachers
-Responding to faculty concerns about the developmental needs of students
-Arranging peer helper activities
-Participating in Problem Solving team meetings (i.e., IEP and Annual review meetings)
-Providing Peer Mediation Training and Supervision of program
-Interpreting test results to parents/guardians, students, and teachers
-Recommending improvements in curriculum and programs
-Helping teachers to work more effectively with individual students