Parent & Students
Early Check-Out
Parents, we realize that sometimes you need to check your stuent out early for doctor appointments, dentist visits, etc. Due to the end of the day procedures and to ensure your student receives all classroom assignments before leaving for the day, we are unable to check a student out after 4pm (3pm for early release Wednesdays). Please do not attempt to check your stuent out after 4pm. If you need to pick your student up at dismissal, we can get a note to your student to report to Parent Pick-up at the bell. Thank you for your cooperation with this important procedure.
504/PST Contacts
District Dress Code Policy
School Board of Volusia County adopted a student appearance, dress and uniform code for all elementary, middle and high school students. Please find the School Board Policy 217 which gives detailed instruction on what is allowed and forbidden.
Student Cell Phone and Electronic Use Policy
Before the Bell Program
In an effort to assist parents, the School Board has developed a program for students to be dropped off early, called Before the Bell. For additional information please contact Amanda Rudd, Before the Bell Lead
Volusia OnLine Learning
Each school district in Florida is required by state statute to provide students with the opportunity to enroll in a Virutal Instruction Program (VIP). This is an at-your-own pace, virtual option that has been available to VCS students for years. Students have the option of enrolling in either part-time or full-time virtual courses through Volusia OnLine Learning. Please visit for more information.
Student Technology
The Volusia County School Board last fall approved a contract to secure 33,000 student devices. The new program is being funded by revenue from the half-cent sales tax approved by voters to support technology upgrades and also with federal CARES Act funds. The laptops are Microsoft-based, designed for K-12 students with a high-powered processor and large memory to handle technology-based lessons such as mathematical computing, science calculations, graphic design and project work.
All students and parents must complete the Technology Resource Acknowledgment Form and return it to school BEFORE a laptop can be distributed.
Please view the Technology Handbook and Conditions of Acceptable Use video that was presented to all students during Homeroom.
Additional information can be viewed on the VCS website.
Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) - Say Something
Sometimes students are afraid to speak out because they think they will be considered a snitch or be alienated or physically hurt. This is why Say Something teaches children the difference between telling on someone and saying something to get help.
Caring for each other is a value we promote in school and beyond, both in face-to-face interactions and online.